To maintain the effectiveness of the biodynamic preparations it is essential that they are stored in an appropriate manner to protect their properties from dissipating or becoming contaminated. The shape of the storage container, the material the storage container is made from and the environment it is placed in all have their effects on the substances contained within. These factors need to be kept in mind when choosing a storage method to suit your own personal needs and situation.
Storage of Horn Silica 501
This is one of the two most important preparations. It enhances the best characteristics of warmth and light. As such it should be stored in a healthy, warm, sunny location, such as a north facing window sill where, even in winter, the sun hits it. A clear glass container with an airtight clear glass lid might be a good choice. Circumstances will dictate whether this might best be kept outdoors or indoors, and care should be taken that the container is secure from harm, such as falling and shattering. The air flow should be good in the area, and it should get attention and be kept clean and fresh, rather than covered with spider webs.
Soil Based Preparations
In contrast to the horn silica, it is important to keep the soil preparations moist. They have a strong connection with the tone and life ethers. Ideally, they should also be kept away from sunlight. These preparations include horn manure (500}, manure concentrate, combined soil preparation, soil activator and yarrow (502}, chamomile (503}, stinging nettle (504}, oak bark (505}, dandelion (506} and horn clays. The liquid Valerian (507} extract is kept in a brown glass bottle with no air gap between the top of the liquid and the stopper/cap.
Each preparation should be stored in its own vessel, well-marked and inside a larger containment packed with peat moss. Generally, the individual vessels should be glass, ceramic or pottery with lids that fit well enough to keep out foreign material and bugs, but aren’t completely airtight.
In the construction of storage for preparations, plywood, treated woods and plastics are avoided, while food grade plastics are often used. Basically, we use what works and is available. Storage methods should take into account the preparations’ need to breathe by allowing a bit of circulation.
For storing large quantities of horn manure (500}, manure concentrate or soil activator, bathtubs like the old cast iron variety can be encased in a wooden box filled with peat or similar material.
Each container should be surrounded between 5-10cm of peat moss or coir (coconut fibre). This not only insulates the preparations, it draws in organizational energy from the surroundings according to each preparation’s patterns and acts as a protective barrier against electrical and microwave radiation. This helps them mature and contributes to their character as they age. Peat moss is ideal for this purpose as it provides a material that draws in etheric energy. The bathtub contents can be covered with damp hessian bags under a timber lid packed with peat moss, or a peat filled bag made from close weave fabric that will exclude dust.
A simple storage container is made by putting the preparations in a large glass jar with a loose-fitting lid. This jar is then placed in an unglazed terracotta plant pot of sufficient size to allow 5-10cm of peat moss surrounding the glass jar. Sew up a pillow of peat moss in an old pillow slip and place this on top of the glass jar in the pot. Place a couple of boards over the top of the pot.
Once the method of storage particular to your needs has been decided, it is equally important to find a location that provides a cool, dark place to store your preparations well away from chemical or electrical contamination. Preparations should not be placed in the refrigerator. Store them away from petrol or diesel fumes.
You could use an Esky filled with peat moss is a cheap, clean, durable, handy, quick and functional container. Glass instant coffee jars labelled can nestle into the peat moss and be stored in a clean, cool, dark place.
Check the preparations every month to see if they are drying out, if so, moisten with a few drops of rain water. The preparations can store for up to three years and retain their life force. Over time this gradually reduces, so if stored for more than one year, you will need to use a larger portion.
Valerian tincture and Equisetum/Casuarina Tea
These preparations are liquids. Both will ferment in storage unless taken to a homeopathic potency and protected with ethanol or pure alcohol. In many cases the fermentation of the Valerian flower juice, as with wine, has proven to be beneficial and has aged well.
In the case of the Equisetum tea, fermentation is desired for making a soil drench, while for foliar applications the Equisetum tea is sprayed unfermented right after the decoction is made.
For storage, it is equally important to find somewhere that provides a cool dark place to store these soil preparations well away from chemical or electrical contamination. Do not refrigerate.
Horn Clay
Summer and winter horn clay come as a dry powdery substance and as such follow the storage guidelines of the above soil preparations without, however, the need to be kept moist.
LSA (Liquid Soil Activator SHELF LIFE 3 MONTHS) Fish/Seaweed and Combined fish and Seaweed. Store all liquid products in a cool dry place far away from electrical fields and appliances. Will be viable for up to one year from packing date.
Remember at all times the subtle forces contained within the biodynamic preparations require the best possible storage facility for them to maintain a high level of potency.