Agriculture, horticulture and food production sectors
This pack covers messaging and promotional material for the 2025 Churchill Fellowship application round.
It is intended to help organisations let potential Churchill Fellows know of the opportunity, and help find the next batch of amazing projects that will have an impact.
Key audience
- People aged 25+ who are established in their industry/sector, who may have been grappling with a problem or issue, and who are open to exploring global best practice to help address it
Key facts:
- Churchill Fellowships are a chance to travel and study best practice in someone’s industry/field of interest, and then apply it on their return in Australia.
- Australian citizens and permanent residents from any industry, background or location are eligible to apply. (No academic qualification is necessary).
- Fellowships are based on the legacy of Sir Winston Churchill – it’s about the freedom to explore, the wisdom of travel and open-mindedness. 2025 is the 60th year of the Trust.
- Applications open 28 February 2025 and close 1 May 2025.
- More information: Go to ChurchillTrust.com.au
- Info session:
- 25 Feb 2025, 6-7pm (ADST)
- Register here: https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/event/?id=EV000391
People may be interested in specific sponsored Fellowships:
- The Ron Badman Family Churchill Fellowship to study an aspect of agriculture with a focus on seed production, pasture development and irrigation
- The Saskia Beer Churchill Fellowship to support innovation in food production or farming
- The Samuel and Eileen Gluyas Churchill Fellowship for Queensland applicants planning to investigate topics relating to the tropical pasture industry
- The Dr Dorothea Sandars and Irene Lee Churchill Fellowships to investigate an issue in marine science.
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People in the agriculture, horticulture and food production sectors are invited to consider applying for prestigious Churchill Fellowships.
Applications open 28 February 2025.
These are a unique chance to travel internationally, investigate global best practice, and apply it in your working life.
Each Fellowship involves funding for expenses for four to eight weeks of international travel. The amount of funding varies depending on the location and itinerary of approved travel.
Over 60 years and almost 5000 people receiving Fellowships, the impacts are widespread and ‘hidden in plain sight’ within Australian society.
For example:
- Tim Roache was awarded a Jack Green Churchill Fellowship in 2017 to explore ways to modernise milk price models and manage price risk in the Australian dairy market. Learn more about Tim here.
- Stuart McGruddy was awarded a Hort Innovation Churchill Fellowship in 2020 to build on the knowledge, experience and technology used in the freezing of whole soft berry fruits. Learn more about Stuart here.
Australian citizens and permanent residents from any industry, background or location are eligible to apply. (No academic qualification is necessary).
Fellowships are based on the legacy of Sir Winston Churchill – it’s about the freedom to explore, the wisdom of travel and open-mindedness. 2025 is the 60th year of the Trust.
People are invited to attend an information session hosted by former head of ABC Rural Leigh Radford:
- 25 Feb 2025, 6-7pm (AEDT)
- Register here: https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/event/?id=EV000391
Applications close 1 May 2025.
For more information go to ChurchillTrust.com.au
Text for social media posts
LinkedIn – @ChurchillTrust
Instagram – @Churchill_Trust
Facebook – @ChurchillTrustAU
X/Twitter – @ChurchillTrust
@ChurchillTrust Fellowship applications open 28 February!
This is a unique chance to travel internationally, study global best practice, and apply it in your working life.
For example Stuart McGruddy was awarded a Hort Innovation Churchill Fellowship in 2020 to build on the knowledge, experience and technology used in the freezing of whole soft berry fruits.
Applications close 1 May 2025.
We encourage people to find out more – visit ChurchillTrust.com.au
#ChurchillFellow #LearnGlobally #InspireLocally
(Handle: LinkedIn.com/ChurchillTrust)
Tom Nightingale
Media and Marketing Manager, Churchill Trust
0404 241 411