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Steps for converting from conventional and organic biological to biodynamic agriculture

  1. Attend an introductory biodynamic workshop – go to our website.
  2. Obtain and read our Biodynamic Handbook and one or two of the recommended books.
  3. Reduce dependence on chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers by substituting organic ones in the same regime.
  4. Spray out Biodynamic Soil Activator developed to remediate degraded land, two and up to six times in the first year of conversion. Thereafter, spray out combined soil preparation or horn manure {500} and atmospheric sprays horn silica and summer horn clay plus fresh Equisetum at least twice per year in spring and autumn.
  5. Start making your own on-farm compost using the biodynamic compost preparations. Recycle organic crop and animal residues to make compost and liquid manures.
  6. Grow and incorporate green manure crops into the soil, consisting of a diverse variety of annual grasses, cereals, brassicas, herbs and legumes.
  7. Use flowforms or a stirring machine to rhythmically stir the preparations. These will also oxygenate water and energise liquid manures.
  8. Use integrated biological pest control (Bugs for Bugs). Plant native shrubs and trees to attract insect eating birds.
  9. Practice natural weed management methods e.g. rotation of animals and crops, addressing mineral imbalances, plus making and applying weed teas. Consider making and applying weed and pest peppers.
  10. Create a self-sustaining farm organism, and practice cooperation with nature.
  11. Apply biodynamic paste for nutrition and health of fruit trees, shrubs and vines.
  12. Source biodynamically or organically grown seed if possible; if not, then untreated seed.


Several organisations administer biodynamic certification within Australia, adhering to the National Organic and Biodynamic Standards.  The Australian Organic and Biodynamic Standards require that a biodynamic soil preparation is sprayed out a minimum of twice per year. It is also essential to spray out horn silica (501). This is seen as a balancing spray for the soil spray and is sprayed into the atmosphere above growing plants.  Biodynamic compost enhancers need to be used in all composts and liquid manures. 

NASAA Certified Organic
08 8370 8455

Australian Certified Organic
07 3350 5706

Demeter Australia is also a biodynamic certifying organisation: however, they will only grant this to farmers who are members of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Australia.

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