Celebrating 100 years of biodynamics in New Zealand and Australia

Ueli Hurter, 06/04/2024 Ueli Hurter was invited as a guest speaker to various anniversary events in Australia and New Zealand from 1 to 16 May 2024. Learn about how biodynamics […]
How to make biodynamic compost

The difference between “ordinary” compost and “biodynamic” compost is the insertion of the biodynamic compost preparations into the heap when it is fully built. These preparations, developed by Rudolf Steiner, […]
Biodynamics for Viticulture

Wherever we look in wine literature these days, it is hard not to notice the increasing prevalence of the words “organic “and “organically grown”. If we look a little harder […]
The Essence of Biodynamic Agriculture

John Hodgkinson Many people are unaware that biodynamic and organic agriculture are viable alternatives to conventional (chemical) agriculture, and many do not know what differentiates them from each other. While […]
The Art of Goethean Conversation

Conversation as we know it in the twenty-first century is not more glorious than gold, says Marjorie Pock. We attach the term to every casual exchange, to the most idle, […]
Biodynamics – Marvel or make believe?

Biodynamics: Revitalising the Earth to foster abundance and health John Hodgkinson The biodynamic system has a powerful vitalising effect on soil and plants, and thus benefits food producing […]
Passionate about passion fruit

Who doesn’t like the divine flowers, the sweetness and fragrance of passion fruit. It is easy to grow and super rewarding. Plant it in a sunny spot and water regularly; just watch as […]
Can thinking solve our problems?

J. Krishnamurti Thought has not solved our problems and I don’t think it ever will. We have relied on the intellect to show us the way out of our complexity. The […]
Ten ways to make water go further

John Kersten, November 2023 I have 200 fruit trees in a dry part of Australia and this is what I do to make water go further. 1. SIMPLEST WATERING SYSTEMI […]
Hocus pocus? Spirituality and soil care in biodynamic agriculture

Anna Pigott, Swansea University, UK AbstractIn this article, I participate in efforts to re-imagine soils as lively, complex, more-than-human ecologies, by turning to the largely sidestepped subject of spirituality in […]