Ten ways to make water go further
John Kersten, November 2023 I have 200 fruit trees in a dry part of Australia and this is what I do to make water go further. 1. SIMPLEST WATERING SYSTEMI […]
Hocus pocus? Spirituality and soil care in biodynamic agriculture
Anna Pigott, Swansea University, UK AbstractIn this article, I participate in efforts to re-imagine soils as lively, complex, more-than-human ecologies, by turning to the largely sidestepped subject of spirituality in […]
Goethe Nature! We are surrounded by her and locked in her clasp: powerless to leave her, and powerless to come closer to her. Unasked and unwarned she takes us up […]
October 2023
Between the Leaves – October 2023
The Abstract Predicament
Dennis Klocek, Seeking Spirit Vision, 1998, pp 33-34, with kind permission The perception of beauty in nature is the grounding agent that allows the life of creativity pouring from the Godhead to […]
Mango Magic at Kumbartcho
Shane Joyce Today I’m out re-setting one of my Syntropic Agroforestry plots. Resetting (aka pruning) eucalyptus, casuarina, cassava, etc. Creating a growth pulse for mulberry, citrus, mango, pomegranate. Also digging “ponds” up slope […]
Biodynamic Agriculture & Anthroposophy course
Section for Agriculture, Goetheanum Our gift for the 100th anniversary: free participation Course description Through deepening into anthroposophy, biodynamic agriculture can be experienced in a truly fruitful way. Anthroposophy develops an […]
Hello rain
Shane Joyce I’m in a “preppers” mode. Yes, now that La Nina and the wet years are behind us, and all the predictions are for El Nino to take centre […]
What is structured water and why we recommend it?
This is the most important requirement for potentising the soil and atmospheric preparations and for diluting Liquid Soil Activator (LSA). This is that the “good water” must be STRUCTURED, meaning […]
Becoming certified but not in the way you are thinking
Stirling Keayes, May 2023 [Stirling Keayes is a Contract Auditor for Australian Certified Organic (ACO) certification. He is also an organic/biodynamic certification consultant, particularly dealing with vineyards and olive groves […]